After being to the north of Vietnam we decided to have a look at the south too. We started the journey with a couple of days in Ho Chi Minh. The city itself is not worth the trip. There is not much going on. But you can find good accomodation and restaurants there and then book in on some day trips.
We stayed in the backpacker area in district 1. Hotel An An is a cheap but fairly clean place.
You can crawl the tunnels but it's quite discomforting as it is pitch dark and space and air are limited down there. But it's interesting to see how the local people survived in there. 

From Nha Trang we booked a tour to Dalat which is located in the mountains.
On the way to Dalat we made the mistake to take the tourist bus which took us almost the whole day to get there riding as fast as 30 km/h. But on the way back we booked the local mini bus which was quite quick and took only about 4 hours. The scenery on the way to Dalat is very beautiful. You climb up the mountains and you feel more like being somewhere in France with all the pine trees around you. We stayed there
only for one night so we had to book a private tour for the morning of the next day. It cost us 30 US which is a little bit more expensive than the other tours we had done before but it was worth every cent. You can plan the trip very individually and they take care of what you like most. So we had a look at the coffee plantations and the silk and greenhouse farms, headed to a waterfall and had tea in a local house where they were growing mushrooms. Our tour guide was a very nice guy who liked to discuss all sorts of topics even corruption and Vietnam's difficult relationship with 

Back in Nha Trang we booked the night train to Ho Chi Minh for the next day. It took about 6 hours and we had a good sleep even though it might look a bit dodgy to somebody coming from the Western hemisphere. But it was good fun.